• What Can I Expect on My First Visit?

    On your first visit, your PT will spend time listening to your medical history and goals that you would like to achieve from PT. They will then perform an in-depth physical assessment focused around the movement and activities that are limited. Then, you will work with your PT to develop a game plan for for recovery. Your PT will also discuss your plan of care and offer you a chance to purchase a visit package if appropriate.

  • What should I wear?

    Please wear comfortable clothing that will allow you to move easily and exercise comfortably. Typically, we encourage our clients to wear what they would for a workout.

  • Do you accept insurance?

    At Movement Physio, we have chosen to be a fee-for-service clinic, meaning we do not directly submit to insurance on your behalf. The current insurance system ultimately does not allow us to provide the level of service that we feel is best to help our clients achieve their long-term health and fitness goals.

    Although we do not directly bill your insurance, we will provide you with a superbill which you can then submit to your insurance for out-of-network reimbursement.

  • What is a Superbill?

    A Superbill is a detailed invoice summarizing the treatment provided in the clinic that can be submitted to your insurance company for out-of-network reimbursement. We are happy to provide this service for you and to help you with the process of submitting the claim.

  • How do I find my Out-of- Network benefits?

    It is simple to find your out of network benefits by calling your provider at the number listed on your insurance card. However, we are happy to help you in this process by contacting your insurer to verify your benefit before making a commitment to work with us.

  • Can I use my HSA/FSA?

    Yes you can!